vega::manipulators Namespace Reference

This namespace contains all the manipulators used to work with DataElement data. More...


class  AgeStringManipulator
class  ApplicationEntityManipulator
class  AttributeTagManipulator
class  CodeStringManipulator
class  DateManipulator
class  DateTimeManipulator
class  DecimalStringManipulator
class  EncapsulatedPixelDataManipulator
class  FixedSizeElementManipulator
 A manipulator class for VR that represent fixed size elements like integers and floating point numbers. More...
class  FloatingPointDoubleManipulator
class  FloatingPointManipulator
class  IntegerStringManipulator
class  LongStringManipulator
class  LongTextManipulator
class  OtherByteManipulator
class  OtherDoubleManipulator
class  OtherFloatManipulator
class  OtherLongManipulator
class  OtherWordManipulator
class  PaddedStringManipulator
 A manipulator class for VR that represent elements which are encoded in DICOM using strings. More...
class  PersonNameManipulator
class  PixelDataManipulator
class  ShortStringManipulator
class  ShortTextManipulator
class  SignedLongManipulator
class  SignedShortManipulator
class  SingleStringManipulator
 A manipulator class for VR that represent a single string. More...
class  TimeManipulator
class  UniqueIdentifierManipulator
class  UnknownManipulator
class  UnlimitedCharactersManipulator
class  UnlimitedTextManipulator
class  UnsignedLongManipulator
class  UnsignedShortManipulator
class  URIManipulator
class  ValueManipulator

Detailed Description

This namespace contains all the manipulators used to work with DataElement data.

Manipulator concept

A DICOM file is composed of a nested structure of many DataElements and DataSets. A DataElement can contain a wide variety of data determined by its value representation. For instance, data could be an array of signed 32 bit integers (vr::SL), or a string of characters that represent multiple integers separated by backspaces (vr::IS). The basic content is the same in each case, 32 bit signed integers, but the way they are stored in the DataElement is very different.

This library hides away the details of how the data is stored in the data elements through the use of manipulators. In the above case you would have the two manipulators SignedLongManipulator and IntegerStringManipulator, both of which inherit from std::vector<int32_t> and so deal with the data in a uniform way. They know how the vector of integers should be stored in the DICOM file, so you as a developer do not have to.


There are three main manipulators that all other manipulators inherit from:

Abbreviated versions

In file vega/manipulator.h is defined many typedefs which give nice short names for the complicated manipulator names here. For instance, vega::manipulators::PersonNameManipulator becomes just vega::PN_Manipulator.